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About the Author

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I was recently certified by Autodesk as a Civil 3D Implementation Certified Expert or ICE. I have worked in the Civil Engineering industry since 1987. In 1994 I started my consulting business doing training and consulting for Civil Engineering customers utilizing Autodesk civil engineering technology. I started L.A. CAD in 1999 and we are currently the 3rd largest Autodesk partner in the U.S. Studied Civil Engineering at Long Beach State, graduated in 1996.

Civil 3D 2007 Implementation Certified Expert Logo
K-Tek, Where knowledge meets technology

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Friday, June 09, 2006


Vault Tech Tip: Add and Detach in same menu?

I discovered this issue while working with some of our customers data. If you are in a drawing that has already been added to a Vault Database and you want to do a Saveas to save that drawing as another DWG file, it can create a bit of confusion when you attempt to add the new drawing to the Vault. As you can see below, you see a Sync to Project and Detach to Project at the same time you see an Add to Project. You can still Add the new drawing to the project by selecting Add to Project, but again, this could confuse individuals the first time they see this can easily create problems in your Vault database if you are not careful.

When checking in drawings to the Vault, you have the option to add Civil 3D objects that you want to share. When doing a Saveas, it is easy to have duplicate objects in the new drawing from the previous drawing which could cause you to add the same objects for sharing to the Vault database. Saveas may not be the best choice of commands when you are actively adding drawings to the Vault, so be cautious as you use the Saveas command.

When adding a drawing to the Vault for the first time, you only see Add to Project, not Sync or Detach. Until you need to make your Civil 3D drawings available to others, you should consider NOT adding the drawings to the Vault until it is necessary. In this scenario, you might consider doing any Saveas commands prior to adding those drawings to the Vault. Then, when you are ready to add your drawings to the Vault for sharing purposes or other, you can then open each file individually and then individually add them to the Vault.

Posted by DannyCounts @ 8:04 PM


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