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About the Author

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I was recently certified by Autodesk as a Civil 3D Implementation Certified Expert or ICE. I have worked in the Civil Engineering industry since 1987. In 1994 I started my consulting business doing training and consulting for Civil Engineering customers utilizing Autodesk civil engineering technology. I started L.A. CAD in 1999 and we are currently the 3rd largest Autodesk partner in the U.S. Studied Civil Engineering at Long Beach State, graduated in 1996.

Civil 3D 2007 Implementation Certified Expert Logo
K-Tek, Where knowledge meets technology

Digging In...

Friday, August 25, 2006


Southern California CAD Summit, a Huge Success

Wow! This event completely shattered my expectations this year. We had nearly 400 people this year whereas last year we had about 300. The event was held at the Long Beach Convention Center; we should have pictures soon.

The Civil 3D classes were packed, some having as many as a 100 people and none of them had less than 50 people. We presented 6 total Civil 3D classes including Vault Workflow for Civil 3D, Road Rehabilitation, and Styles Configurations.

The whole event was very up beat and positive and those that attended were very happy. L.A. CAD personnel were there in full force making this a stand-out event. If you are in the Southern CA area, or even if you are not, you will want to consider attending this event in the years to come! Lastly, thanks to Lynn Allen as our special guest speker and all the made this event happen!

Posted by DannyCounts @ 3:41 AM


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