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About the Author

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I was recently certified by Autodesk as a Civil 3D Implementation Certified Expert or ICE. I have worked in the Civil Engineering industry since 1987. In 1994 I started my consulting business doing training and consulting for Civil Engineering customers utilizing Autodesk civil engineering technology. I started L.A. CAD in 1999 and we are currently the 3rd largest Autodesk partner in the U.S. Studied Civil Engineering at Long Beach State, graduated in 1996.

Civil 3D 2007 Implementation Certified Expert Logo
K-Tek, Where knowledge meets technology

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Upgrading Autodesk Data Management Server for Civil 3D 2007

We recently ran into a size limitation issue with a customer utilizing MSDE with Vault and Civil 3D 2007. We provided this solution to this customer that solved the problem for the time being as it doubles the capacity for the ADM server. This extends the size of the database from 2GB to 4GB. This will upgrade MSDE to SQL 2005 Express Edition.

Click on the below link to learn more about this upgrade and to load Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Edition.

Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Edition

Posted by DannyCounts @ 5:16 PM


Posted by Blogger Nick Zeeben : 8:37 PM
Care to let us know how much work the client had put into vault at that point. Just curious as the dwgs dont count against the size limit?

Posted by Blogger DannyCounts : 8:47 PM
Much more that just the drawings. This one is a public agency that really likes what Vault offers for CE workflow through data references. There other EDM solution that they are piloting for Public Works does not offer this capability for C3D... obviously. They are now considering utilizing Vault over another EDM solution within certain areas of Public Works. I was skeptical that we would be possibly replacing another EDM solution, but then again, they really dont want to have two. They will ultimately move to using SQL Server, but they are at this point seeing what they can get out of Vault.

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